Wednesday 12 November 2014

Diam-Diam Raskalov Panjat Gedung Pencakar Langit, bikin KAKI MERINDING gan ...

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Seorang pendaki melakukan aksi pendakiannya dengan berani dengan mendaki gedung pencakar langit setinggi 1.241 kaki yang sudah beku tertutup es. Tapi iya melakukannya tanpa diketahui.

Pria bermana Vitaliy Raskalov ini, melakukan pendakian dengan melawan medan yang berbahaya. Ia menghindari penjaga patroli, membawa kamera, dan juga harus terkendala suhu nol derajat.

Raskalov, harus sembunyi-sembunyi melakukan aksinya ini karena jika pekerja konstruksi melihatnya maka aksinya ini dilarang dan akan menangkapnya.

"kami tidak mendapatkan izin untuk melakukan aksi ini,” ujar Raskalov, seperti dikutip Daily Mail.

Raskalov dan empat anggota timnya mendaki gedung pencakar langit bernama Mercury City. Gedung ini ditetapkan menjadi bangunan tertinggi di Eropa.

Setelah mengamati gedung itu selama berminggu-minggu, kelompok pendaki ekstrim ini menyelinap ke dalam gedung dengan berpakaian sebagai pekerja. Raskalov dan timnya naik dengan ketinggian 75 kaki sambil bersembunyi di balik sudut untuk menghindari patroli keamanan.

Mereka kemudian naik sampai ketinggian 104 kaki. Aksi ekstrim ini direkam menggunakan kamera genggam sebelum rombongan pendaki ini meninggalkan jejak di gedung.

foto foto Diam-Diam Raskalov Panjat Gedung Pencakar Langit, bikin KAKI MERINDING gan ...

Mission accomplished: A team of adrenaline hunters illegally scaled Europe's tallest building - the the 1,110ft Mercury City Tower in Moscow - to climb atop a construction crane on its unfinished roof

On cloud nine: The group managed to get all the way to the tip of the crane seen at the top of the unfinished Mercury City Tower skyscraper

View from the top: The group on their way up the 75 story building
View from the top: The group on their way up the 75 story building

Worth the risk: Vitaliy Ruskalov tells the camera about their well-planned mission to scale Europe's tallest building
Worth the risk: Vitaliy Ruskalov tells the camera about their well-planned mission to scale Europe's tallest building
Wuthering heights: The crane is so high up it is hidden among the clouds, making the climb even more difficult for the team
Wuthering heights: The crane is so high up it is hidden among the clouds, making the climb even more difficult for the team
Looking down: A team member is near the top of the construction crane 1,214ft above ground
Looking down: A team member is near the top of the construction crane 1,214ft above ground

Cold conditions: Moscow in wintertime normally have temperatures below freezing, 75 floors up above the clouds, the temperature is ten degrees lower than on the ground
Cold conditions: Moscow in wintertime normally have temperatures below freezing, 75 floors up above the clouds, the temperature is ten degrees lower than on the ground

Time to go: Vitaliy Raskalov instructs a fellow team member on top of the crane as the begin their descent
Time to go: Vitaliy Raskalov instructs a fellow team member on top of the crane as the begin their descent

Sumber : Owunik . blogspot . com - yang unik, emang asyik :)



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