Saturday, 13 December 2014

Akibat Kanker, Mata Bayi Ini Bak Mata Kucing

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Tumor di mata sebelah kanan Cullum Holmes membuat bola matanya tampak besinar seperti 'mata kucing'. Menurut ibunya, mata Holmes terlihat bersinar saat usia putranya berusia 6 bulan.

"Awalnya kami pikir ini hanya pantulan cahaya di matanya, tapi ternyata saya salah ini adalah penyakit yang mematikan," ujar Erin, ibu Holmes pada Daily Mail.

Saat dirujuk ke rumah sakit klinik spesialis mata, dokter menuturkan  Holmes menderita retinoblastoma, jenis kanker mata yang mempengaruhi 40-50 anak setiap tahunnya di Inggris.

Penyakit ini umumnya berkembang pada anak-anak di usia 5 tahun, namun ada juga yang membawanya saat mereka lahir. Kondisi ini mempengaruhi sel-sel pada retina, lapisan yang peka pada cahaya. Gejala penyakit ini ditandai dengan tampilan fisik yang abnormal, seperti yang terjadi pada Holmes.

Satu-satunya pengobatan yang tersedia adalah dengan jalur operasi dengan mengangkat mata sebelah kanannya. Tujuannya adalah agar sel-sel kanker tidak menyebar lebih jauh.

Saat usia 11 bulan, Holmes melakukan operasi di Rumah Sakit Anak Birmingham untuk menghapuskan kanker di matanya. Ini artinya ia akan kehilangan mata sebelah kanan seutuhnya.

Tak mau anaknya hidup cacat, orang tua Holmes juga memesan mata buatan sebelum putranya jalani operasi kanker.

"Saya merasa dengan mata buatan tersebut, saya akan melihat dua mata anak saya kembali. Dan ini nyata," ceritanya. (adi)

Deadly: Callum Holmes was just six months old when his right eye began to glow, due to rare cancer called retinoblastoma
Deadly: Callum Holmes was just six months old when his right eye began to glow, due to rare cancer called retinoblastoma

Glowing: His mother Erin caught a glance of the tumour when he turned his head at an angle, unaware that she was looking at a potentially lethal disease
Glowing: His mother Erin caught a glance of the tumour when he turned his head at an angle, unaware that she was looking at a potentially lethal disease

Ordeal: Callum's cancer was so advanced that the only treatment available was to have his whole eye removed, to ensure the disease didn't spread any further
Ordeal: Callum's cancer was so advanced that the only treatment available was to have his whole eye removed, to ensure the disease didn't spread any further

Surgery: Callum aged 11 months, covering from the operation to remove his eye at Birmingham Children's Hospital
Surgery: Callum aged 11 months, covering from the operation to remove his eye at Birmingham Children's Hospital
Rare: Retinoblastoma, the type of cancer that Callum (pictured here with mother Erin) was suffering from, affects just 40-50 children each year in the UK
Rare: Retinoblastoma, the type of cancer that Callum (pictured here with mother Erin) was suffering from, affects just 40-50 children each year in the UK

Replacement: After losing his right eye, Callum (with father Dan) was fitted with an artificial one
Replacement: After losing his right eye, Callum (with father Dan) was fitted with an artificial oneCallum will be given replacement artificial eyes as he gets older and his eye socket expands

Sumber : Owunik . blogspot . com - yang unik, emang asyik :)



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