Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Roboy, si ROBOT UNYU yang bertugas sebagai PEMBANTU RUMAH TANGGA

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Jurutera di Makmal Kecerdasan Buatan Universiti Zurich kini sedang mencipta robot yang berfungsi untuk membantu manusia melakukan tugas harian mereka.

Robot menyerupai kanak-kanak setinggi 1.2 meter digelar Roboy itu dikatakan dapat  membantu pesakit atau warga emas dengan bertindak sebagai pembantu mekanikal.

Bagi membolehkan ia bergerak dengan lebih mudah, kumpulan terdiri daripada lebih 40 jurutera tersebut turut mencipta tendon tiruan (urat tebal yang menyambungkan otot dan tulang manusia) pada setiap bahagian 'otot' Roboy.

Ketua kumpulan itu, Profesor Rolf Pfeifer berkata, rancangan bercita-cita besar tersebut hanya boleh direalisasikan selepas ia mendapat tajaan 15 rakan kongsi yang telah menandatangani perjanjian untuk membiayai projek itu.

Roboy juga diharap dapat menjadi rangka tindakan bagi mencipta robot perkhidmatan untuk membantu manusia.


An artist's impression of how Roboboy could look. Scientists plan to spend nine months creating him, and hope he could become an automated helper for the sick and elderly
An artist's impression of how Roboy could look. Scientists plan to spend nine months creating him, and hope he could become an automated helper for the sick and elderly

Robot boy roboy
Robot boy roboy
Roboy will have a skeleton similar to a human's and will be operated via special artificial tendons that flex like out own muscles.

The team is already developing parts of the Roboy, such as its skeleton like chest which houses spring-like artificial tendons
The team is already developing parts of the Roboy, such as its skeleton like chest which houses spring-like artificial tendons

Work has also begun on Roboy's hands, which will be covered with a soft 'skin' to make it comfortable to the touch

The project will bring together dozens of different disciplines in a bid to create a true 'robot boy' in just nine months
The project will bring together dozens of different disciplines in a bid to create a true 'robot boy' in just nine months

The engineers behind Robot boy roboy with several of their prototypes
The engineers behind Robot boy roboy with several of their prototypes

Sumber : Owunik . blogspot . com - yang unik, emang asyik :)



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