Perusahaan produsen mobil Toyota mencoba sebuah terobosan baru dengan menggabungkan konsep ponsel cerdas dengan sebuah mobil. Mobil konsep yang diberi nama Fun-Vii tersebut ditampilkan di Tokyo, Jepang, jelang gelaran Tokyo Motor Show,

Dengan sekali sentuh, mobil tersebut bisa berubah tampilan dalam sekejap. Selain itu, panel layar sentuh yang melapisi bodi mobil memungkinkan penggunanya menghubungkan mobil ke situs dealer untuk mengecek kendaraannya.

Crazy concept cars are something of a staple of the bi-annual Tokyo Motor Show, which takes place this year at the Tokyo Big Sight in Koto Ward from November 30 to December 11.
And while the star of Toyota's booth is no doubt, the new 86 coupe (formerly known as the FT-86), Japan's top-brand has plenty more in store for us including the Fun Vii concept study.

The experimental model is described by Toyota as a "smartphone on wheels" and all for good reason as the Fun Vii functions a lot like a mobile phone. For instance, , the whole body of the vehicle as well as the interior can be used as a giant display space, with both the body color and display content changeable at will "with the same ease as downloading an application"
The Fun Vii also interacts and is able to link with surrounding vehicles and infrastructure, while Toyota says that a portion of the car's functions can be controlled remotely via a smartphone or any other mobile communication device.

Dengan sekali sentuh, mobil tersebut bisa berubah tampilan dalam sekejap. Selain itu, panel layar sentuh yang melapisi bodi mobil memungkinkan penggunanya menghubungkan mobil ke situs dealer untuk mengecek kendaraannya.

Crazy concept cars are something of a staple of the bi-annual Tokyo Motor Show, which takes place this year at the Tokyo Big Sight in Koto Ward from November 30 to December 11.
And while the star of Toyota's booth is no doubt, the new 86 coupe (formerly known as the FT-86), Japan's top-brand has plenty more in store for us including the Fun Vii concept study.

The experimental model is described by Toyota as a "smartphone on wheels" and all for good reason as the Fun Vii functions a lot like a mobile phone. For instance, , the whole body of the vehicle as well as the interior can be used as a giant display space, with both the body color and display content changeable at will "with the same ease as downloading an application"
The Fun Vii also interacts and is able to link with surrounding vehicles and infrastructure, while Toyota says that a portion of the car's functions can be controlled remotely via a smartphone or any other mobile communication device.

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