Friday, 28 November 2014

Hidup Sederhana, Perempuan Terpelajar Tinggal di Gubuk Lumpur


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Seorang perempuan, tinggal di sebuah gubuk yang terbuat dari Lumpur selama 13 tahun. Perempuan terpelajar itu sengaja tinggal di rumah tersebut, karena ingin merasakan hidup sederhana.

Emma Orbach, lulusan dari Oxford dengan gelar dalam bahasa China, menikah dengan sejarawan arsitektur, Julian Orbach dan memiliki tiga orang anak, yang sekarang sudah dewasa.

Namun, Emma memilih untuk tinggal secara sederhana di gubuk yang terbuat dari Lumpur di pengunungan Welsh.

Di dalam rumah lumpur setinggi 13 kaki itu tidak ada listrik, air, TV, radio, maupun toilet. Rumah itu hanya berisikan buku-buku bacaannya dan untuk penerangan ia hanya menggunakan lilin.

Ibu dari tiga orang anak ini bener-benar ingin menjalani kehidupan yang sederhana dan menyatu dengan alam. Ia senang mengambil air di sungai, memotong kayu, mencari sayuran, merawat tujuh ayam, tiga kambing, dua kuda, dan dua kucing.

"Segala sesuatu tentang hidup saya membuat saya bahagia. Bangun pagi bisa melihat pohon-pohon yang indah, melihat bintang-bintang dan bulan, memiliki hubungan yang benar-benar dekat dengan alam,” ungkap Emma. Demikian seperti dikutip Daily Mail.

Emma hidup seperti ini karena ia ingin hidup 'low impact' yaitu melakukan sesuatu yang hanya menimbulkan sedikit kerusakan di bumi ini.

Emma Orbach who has lived without electricity, gas or running water etc. for more than 13 years
Home entertainment: Emma Orbach meditating in her home

Having no electricity Emma blows air through a tube to start her fire in her home

Emma, pictured here playing her harp in her home, prefers the peace and quiet of her rustic home to the noise and distraction of TVs and computers
Daily Mail writer Vincent Graff tests out Emma's open air bath tub
En suit: Emma with her fire heated open air bath tub

Emma hangs out some washing to dry with the help of Daily Mail handy man Vincent Graff.
Emma enjoys the compnay of her horses Harlequin (left) and Domino (right)

Emma stands amongst her crops in the centre of her circular allotment which is marked by two large crystals
Closer to nature: The mud hat lacks many of the normal modern amenities but Emma has her own compost toilet

Enjoying a night in: Oxford graduate Emma Orbach plays the Celtic harp in her hobbit-style mud and straw roundhouse in the Welsh mountains
Independent life: Emma collects firewood for her eco-home which lacks electricity and running water
Unassuming: The hobbit-like roundhouse has been named Tir Ysbrydol which means 'spirit land' in Welsh
Living off the earth: Emma has banned modern technology from her mountain home
The simple life: Emma keeps seven chickens, three goats and two horses at her eco-hut

Animal care: Emma milks one of her three goats as part of her daily routine

One with nature: Emma gets her water from a nearby stream, chops her own firewood and only ventures to a shop to buy special treats such as chocolate
Teatime: Emma makes a brew on her open fire, adding milk from her own goat

No stress: Emma relaxes in front of the fire in her hut before she heads to bed when it darkens outside at around 7.30 pm

Sumber : Owunik . blogspot . com - yang unik, emang asyik :)



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